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Directors, Associates & Members



Executive Committee

Robert D. Simpson, President

Carol Sheppard, 1st Vice President

Pam Reed, 2nd Vice President

Wayne Harris, 3rd Vice President

Lawrence E. Burnett, Treasurer

Cindy Fields, Secretary

Management Personnel

Paul Blanchard, Fair Manager

Jeffrey Wise, Concession Manager



Entry Clerk

Rachael Roberts, Open class &

4-H Entry Clerk


Lawrence Burnett

Arthur Bush

Randall Demo

Nelson Eddy

Cindy Fields

Rena Fields

Katherine Grose

Wayne Hall

Wayne Harris

Charlie Holland

Khris LaVere

Terry MacAdam

Joe Plummer

Karen Plummer

Pam Reed

Rachael Roberts

Carol Shepherd

Pat Simpson

Robert Simpson

Christine Stein

Jeffrey Wise


Associate Directors

Frank Fuhrman

Julie Hall

Christopher Ingro


Honorary Directors

Terry Buckley

Barb Harter

Steve Harter

Donna Alberry Kinney

Linda Persha

Martha Petrie

Donald Roberts

James Wright


Nelson Eddy, Supt. of Grange & Talent Show

Paul Blanchard, Building Superintendent

Tasha Richards, Superintendent of Horse Show

Khris LaVere, Grounds Superintendent

Christine Stein, Supt. of Poultry & Rabbits

Pam Reed, Supt. of Dairy Cattle & Livestock

Joe Plummer, Supt. of Firemens' Parade

Carol Shepherd, Supt. of Creative Crafts & Food

Pat Simpson,  Supt. of Flowers &  Vegetables

Dana Gillan, Supt. of Art


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