Jefferson County Fair
Watertown, NY
Welcome to the Jefferson County Fair!
The longest continuously operating fair in the USA!
Phone 315-782-8612
Fax 315-782-3268
via email:
General Info -
Entry Clerk -
Vendors -
Fair President -
Reithoffer Shows -
The delivery address (not mail) during Fair Week is:
615 W. T. Fields Drive, Watertown, NY 13601
(No CODs without prior arrangements with the Fair Manager).
The mailing address is P. O. Box 8003, Watertown, N. Y. 13601.
The Jefferson County County Agricultural Society holds the Jefferson County Fair on the Alex Duffy Fairgrounds in the City of Watertown. Our location is on Coffeen Street (NYS-12F) in Watertown.
Public parking for the Jefferson County Fair is FREE at Jefferson Community College (JCC). The access road for the Fairgrounds for trams and walkers is located at the eastern end of Parking Lot B. Parking is allowed only in designated parking areas. Vehicles parked improperly may be towed.
Handicapped and Pass-holder parking for the Jefferson County Fair is on the Fairgrounds. Handicapped access requires the proper license plate or mirror-hanger. Pass-holders must show passes during fair week (Wednesday - Sunday) and include concessionaires, exhibitors and family weekly passes.
Fairground entrances are Rand Drive and W.T. Fields Drive. The Fair Office is in the Fair Administration Building on W. T. Fields Drive. From Rt. 81 proceed through the third stoplight. Turn left at second left off Coffeen Street (NYS-12F) after Byrne Dairy. The Fair Administration Building is the tan and red building on the left beyond the first cross fairground street. Parking is allowed only in designated parking areas. Vehicles parked improperly may be towed.
Directions south: Take Interstate Route 81 south from the Canadian border over the Thousand Island Bridge for 25 miles to exit 46 (Coffeen St). Turn left (going east). For Public Parking, turn left at the third stoplight (JCC). For Handicapped and Pass-holder parking, the Fairgrounds will be on the left approximately 3/4 mile from the exit.
Directions north: Take Interstate Route 81 north from Syracuse for approximately 70 miles to exit 46 (Coffeen St). Turn right (going east). For Public Parking, turn left at the second stoplight (JCC). For Handicapped and Pass-holder parking, the Fairgrounds will be on the left approximately 3/4 mile from the exit.
Directions east and west: Take State Route 3 through the City of Watertown. On the western side of the City, Arsenal Street is State Route 3. Turn north on Bellew Avenue (between St. Anthony's Church and School Daze). Proceed straight to stoplight. The Alex Duffy Fairgrounds are directly in front. Turn left to proceed to Public Parking at JCC. The Rand Drive entrance is to the left. The W. T. Fields Drive entrance is to the right.